Fraud Management
Teralight offers SaaS services and solutions focused on mitigating revenue losses for mobile operators worldwide. Under its Purgefraud brand, Teralight’s fraud detection and management services include active SIM box fraud detection (via TCG), CDR analysis, as well as a comprehensive host of additional network testing services.
How we beat our competitors:
Country specific solutions
Hybrid fraud detection services​
Customs cleared unified hardware
Client driven features
Digital Identity Management
Aims to provide first-class digital healthcare platform where patients can track their health using digital devices and share their data with doctors
Security & Privacy
Digital security to verify not only who (or what) a user is, but also which services, applications, devices and data they can access.
Aims to provide a flexible, frictionless and easy to access platform for finance customers including banks.
e-Government portal to let citizens applying for a business license, managing healthcare details and paying taxes - municipal, regional and national agencies.
To provide digital identity for the internet of things (IoT), whenever and wherever they need to connect users, devices and things e.g. connected cars.
Digital Payments
Teralight delivers service-oriented digital payment solutions enabling financial institutions, corporate sectors and merchants quick deployment of mobile payments in any location, on any mobile device or payment host. Our unique end-to-end service model combines payment processing, loyalty rewards, and data analytic in real-time.